innovative healthcare organization focused on improving access to healthcare through technology


Welcome to our blog, the go-to destination for valuable health facts, expert tips, and insights on innovative solutions like hPod, brought to you by India Health Link. Stay informed, inspired, and empowered on your journey to optimal health.

The Transformative Impact of hPod in the Healthcare Sector

The Transformative Impact of hPod in the Healthcare Sector

In the realm of healthcare, where detecting, managing and treating

Other Types of Diabetes

Other Types of Diabetes

You are already aware of Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes and how they are different from…

Insulin Resistance: Understanding the Hidden Epidemic

Insulin Resistance: Understanding the Hidden Epidemic

Insulin’, once thought of to be a humble hormone, is now the underlying cause of several chronic…

Understanding Diabetes – Back to Basics! 

Understanding Diabetes – Back to Basics! 

Diabetes, also known as Diabetes Mellitus, is a lifelong chronic, metabolic disease caused due

Shifting the Focus: From Sick Care to Preventive Healthcare in India

Shifting the Focus: From Sick Care to Preventive Healthcare in India

In India, a country with a rich tapestry of culture, tradition, and history, healthcare has traditionally leaned…

Non-Communicable Diseases in India: The Silent Epidemic

Non-Communicable Diseases in India: The Silent Epidemic

Over the past few years, the burden of non-communicable diseases in India is staggering, both in terms…

Enhancing Healthcare Experience with hPod, the Digital Health Kiosk

Enhancing Healthcare Experience with hPod, the Digital Health Kiosk

In a world increasingly dominated by technological innovations, it comes as no surprise that the healthcare sector



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